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  1. Setting up Gmail Account

    Correspondence is an important part of e-commerce, which makes it even more important to have a backup Gmail email address. Once you create a Gmail Account, we can link it to your client file, and/or any Google Adwords and Bing AdCenter Accounts we ...
  2. Searching Orders

    How to Search Orders When you log into the Control Panel and you need to locate a specific order, there are a few different ways to search for it. You can either use the "Orders" drop down in the menu at the top of the page. You can also use the "R...
  3. Your Guide to: Shipping Best Practices

    Once you decide to start selling online, shipping becomes a huge aspect of your parts counter’s operations and sales. Shipping is not only a necessity, but a profit center for many dealers. It can also be a deal-breaker for many customers when sh...
  4. Your Guide to: Onboarding

    After you’ve made the decision to sign a contract with SimplePart, you start a very important process—Onboarding. Once our Sales team passes your information on to our Setup team, they can begin the process. To start, they’ll need the contact info t...
  5. Minimum Display Pricing

    MDP: What is the MDP rule?  What will be the Minimum Display Price? For this program, Minimum Display Price (MDP) is currently Cost + 15% . Can dealerships offer discounts at checkout to reduce the MDP pricing? Minimum Display Price applies to t...
  6. Best Practices: Preventing Fraud #1 - AVS Settings Confirmation

    Fraud demands urgent attention and SimplePart has the tools and know-how to help you combat this issue.  It is important to check your PayPal, PayPal Payflow Pro and/or your Authorize.Net accounts to make sure your fraud settings and Address V...
  7. PayPal

    When it comes to ease of use and security, PayPal is a favorite among both businesses and consumers. On your SimplePart site, you have the ability to integrate either PayPal Payflow Pro or PayPal Express as valid payment options.  If you do not cur...
  8. Payments

    Capturing Payments: When a customer pays for an order with their credit card, you must capture the payment, following the instructions detailed in the Billing Details tab .  Once you are in Billing Details, you’ll find the transaction line an...
  9. Your Guide to: Shipping Supplies

  10. Local Pickup Update

    Effective as of 10/12/2018, This communication is to inform of updates to the existing Local Pickup functionality.  For dealers who do not have it enabled, Local Pickup allows customers to select to pick up their orders in-store instead of shipp...